Novice (2020)


Un magnifique roman qui interroge l’altérité, questionne l’humain et constitue le testament littéraire d’Octavia E. Butler. Imaginez une gamine de 10 ans, noire et amnésique, cherchant ceux qui l’ont laissée pour morte dans une forêt après avoir décimé sa famille. Traquée par des ennemis inidentifiables, elle remonte peu à peu le fil de sa vie passée pour se rendre compte qu’elle est en réalité âgée de 53 ans, dotée de pouvoirs surnaturels et d’une sexualité aussi vitale qu'ambiguë.... Qu’elle est en fait un vampire génétiquement modifié pour pouvoir vivre à la lumière du jour. «Octavia Butler est une des plus grandes voix de la fiction. En conteuse de génie, elle pose un regard impitoyable sur le racisme, le sexisme, la pauvreté et l’ignorance et offre au lecteur une vision de l’horreur et la beauté de la nature humaine.» Washington Post Book World «Ce que l’auteur “cyberpunk” William Gibson fait pour les jeunes blancs désœuvrés, Octavia Butler le fait pour les gens de couleur. Elle nous donne un futur.» Vibe «C’est une des rares auteurs qui prête attention aux relations humaines, à la façon dont les humains s’entraident et s’entredéchirent. Et elle le fait avec une crédibilité extraordinaire.» Locus À travers ses onze romans et recueils de nouvelles, la voix de Butler trouve un écho tout particulier dans la littérature féministe, afro-américaine et dans la science-Fiction moderne. Cependant, comme Elmore Leonard, Margaret Atwood, Walter Mosley, Ursula Le Guin et quelques autres, son œuvre défie les limites du genre et est acclamée par les lecteurs de toutes tendances littéraires.

Née à Pasadena en 1947, petite-fille d’esclaves, elle est l’une des plus grandes voix de la science-fiction mondiale. Octavia E. Butlerse fait connaître en1976 avec Le Maître du réseau, puis en1979 avec Kindred, récit d’une jeune fille qui voyage dans le temps et rencontre ses ancêtres esclaves. Elle a été lauréate du prix Hugo 1984 et 1985 dans la catégorie «nouvelles», du prix Nebula 1994 pour La Parabole des talents, et elle est le premier écrivain de science-fiction à recevoir le prestigieux prix MacArthur Grant «Genius». Octavia E. Butler est décédée en 2006 à Seattle, à 59 ans.


The novel tells the story of Shori, a 53-year-old member of the Ina species, who appears to be a ten-year-old African-American girl. The Ina are nocturnal, long-lived, and derive sustenance by drinking human blood. Though they are physically superior to humans, both in strength and ability to heal from injury, the Ina depend on humans to survive. Therefore, their relationships are symbiotic, with the Ina's venom providing significant boost to their humans' immune systems and extending their lives up to 200 years. However, withdrawal from this venom will also lead to the human's death.

The story opens as Shori awakens with no knowledge of who or where she is, in a cave and suffering from critical injuries. Although she is burned and has skull trauma, she kills and eats the first creature that approaches her. Eating this creature allows her to heal quickly enough to walk and explore on her own. She runs into the ruins where a construction worker named Wright picks her up on the side of the road; Shori bites Wright because she finds his scent irresistible, and they begin their relationship.

While staying at Wright's uncle's cabin, Shori realizes she's in need of more blood, so she feeds on other inhabitants in the town and develops a relationship with an older woman named Theodora. Shori and Wright return to the burned-out, abandoned village near where she woke up to learn more about her past. They eventually meet Iosif, Shori's father, who tells her the burned-out town was once her home where she had lived with her mother and sisters. They also learn that Wright and Shori's mutually beneficial relationship makes Wright Shori's symbiont. Further, Shori's dark skin is the result of a genetic modification: the Ina were experimenting to make their kind resistant to daylight. All other Ina are white-skinned.

Later, before Shori is able to move in with Iosif, his settlement is burned down as Shori's home was. Shori and Wright meet the only two human symbionts who survived, Celia and Brook. Shori adopts Celia and Brook as her own symbionts to save their lives. Their bonding is initially uncomfortable for all of them, however, as symbionts become addicted to the venom of one particular Ina. The four flee to another house that Iosif owns. While at this new house during the day, they are attacked by several men with gasoline and guns. Because of the genetic enhancements made on Shori, she is awake and they are able to escape.

The group travels to the settlement of the Gordon family (old friends of Iosif), where they are welcomed and guarded by human symbionts during the day. The attackers also raid the settlement, but Shori and the human symbionts are able to fight back. They capture three attackers alive. The Gordon family interrogates the intruders and finds that they are the same attackers who killed Shori's parents and have been sent by the Silks, another Ina family. The Gordons suspect the attacks on Shori are motivated by disdain for the genetic experimentation that created her.

After failing to get a confession from the Silks, the Gordon family calls a Council of Judgment on Shori's behalf. Thirteen Ina families and their symbionts come to the Gordon settlement to discuss the Silks' attack on Shore. During the Council, the Silk representative, Katharine Dahlman, sends one of her symbionts to kill Theodora, Shori's symbiont. This attack succeeds. Thus, in addition to issuing a punishment upon the Silks, the Council must also punish Katharine Dahlman. The Silks' sons are taken from them to be adopted by other Ina families, ensuring that the Silk line will die out. Katharine Dahlman is sentenced to have her legs amputated. She refuses this punishment and attempts to kill Shori, who fights back and fatally wounds her. Katharine is killed by being decapitated and burned. After regaining consciousness, Shori decides to join the Brathwaite family and learn the ways of the Ina to create her own family.