Nosferatu (1922)


Thomas Hutter (Jonathan Harker in Stoker's novel) lives in the fictitious German city of Wisborg. His employer, Knock (loosely based on Renfield), sends Hutter to Transylvania to visit a new client named Orlok. Hutter entrusts his loving wife Ellen to his good friend Harding and Harding's wife Annie, before embarking on his long journey.
Nearing his destination in the Carpathian mountains, Hutter stops at an inn for dinner. The locals become frightened by the mere mention of Orlok's name and discourage him from traveling to his castle at night, warning of a werewolf on the prowl. In his room, Hutter finds a book, The Book of the Vampires, through which he leaves before falling asleep.
The next morning, Hutter dresses and packs, light-heartedly including the book in his bags. After a coach ride to a high mountain pass, the coachmen decline to take him any further as nightfall is approaching. A sinister black-swathed coach of an archaic design suddenly appears and the coachman (obviously Orlok in disguise) gestures for him to climb aboard. Past midnight, Hutter is welcomed at the castle by Count Orlok himself, who excuses the poor welcome as the servants have all gone to bed. While Hutter has a late dinner, Orlok reads a letter. When Hutter cuts his thumb, Orlok tries to suck the blood out of the wound, but his repulsed guest pulls his hand away. Hutter then falls asleep exhausted in the parlor.
He wakes up to a castle with nobody in it and notices fresh punctures on his neck, which he attributes to mosquitoes. That night, Orlok signs the documents to purchase the house across from Hutter's own home. Orlok sees Hutter's miniature portrait of his wife and admires her beautiful neck. Reexamining The Book of the Vampires, Hutter starts to suspect that Orlok is Nosferatu, the "Bird of Death". He cowers in his room as midnight approaches, but there is no way to bar the door. The door opens by itself and Orlok enters, his true nature finally revealed. At the same time, Ellen sleepwalks and screams for Hutter. She is somehow heard by Orlok, who leaves Hutter untouched.
The next day, Hutter explores the castle. In its crypt, he finds the coffin in which Orlok is resting dormant. Horrified, he dashes back to his room. From the window, he sees Orlok piling up coffins on a coach and climbing into the last one before the coach departs. Hutter escapes the castle through the window by tying together strips of the bed linen, but has to jump when his improvised rope runs out, and is knocked unconscious by the fall. He is taken to a hospital. When he is sufficiently recovered, Hutter hurries home.
An iconic scene
Meanwhile, the coffins are shipped down river on a raft. They are transferred to a schooner, but not before one is opened by the crew. Inside, they find soil and rats.
Under the long-distance influence of Orlok, Knock starts behaving oddly and is confined to a psychiatric ward. Later, Knock steals a newspaper, which tells of an outbreak of an unknown plague spreading down the coast of the Black Sea. Many people are dying, with odd marks on their necks. Knock rejoices.
The sailors on the ship get sick one by one; soon all but the captain and first mate are dead. Suspecting the truth, the first mate goes below to destroy the coffins. However, Orlok awakens and the horrified sailor jumps into the sea. Unaware of his danger, the captain becomes Orlok's latest victim.
When the ship arrives in Wisborg, Orlok leaves unobserved, carrying one of his coffins. (A passage in The Book of the Vampires reveals that the source of a vampire's power is the soil in which he was buried.) He moves into the house he purchased. The next morning, when the ship is inspected, the captain is found dead. After examining the logbook, the doctors assume they are dealing with the plague. The town is stricken with panic.
Hutter returns home. Ellen reads The Book of Vampires, despite his injunction not to, and learns how to kill a vampire: a woman pure in heart must willingly give her blood to him, so that he loses track of time until the cock's first crowing. There are many deaths in the town. The residents chase Knock, who has escaped after murdering the warden, mistaking him for a vampire.
Orlok stares from his window at the sleeping Ellen. She opens her window to invite him in, but faints. When Hutter revives her, she sends him to fetch Professor Bulwer. After he leaves, Orlok comes in. He becomes so engrossed drinking her blood, he forgets about the coming day. A rooster crows and Orlok vanishes in a bit of smoke as he tries to flee (marking the first death by sunlight in the history of vampire fiction). Ellen lives just long enough to be embraced by her grief-stricken husband. The last image of the movie is of Orlok's ruined castle in the Carpathian Mountains.


1838, il giovane Hutter (Gustav von Wangenheim) lavora presso un'agenzia immobiliare a Wisborg. Una mattina il suo principale Knock (Alexander Granach) riceve una richiesta da parte del Conte Orlok (Max Schreck), desideroso di prendere casa in paese.
Il sensale decide di mandare Hutter dal Conte per firmare gli atti di compravendita, nonostante il viaggio fino ai Carpazi non sia privo di pericoli.
Hutter si mette in viaggio, noncurante degli oscuri presentimenti della moglie Ellen, lasciandola in affidamento all'amico Harding e a sua moglie Ruth fino al suo ritorno.
Avvicinandosi alla sua meta, Hutter entra in contatto con le superstizioni della gente locale, convinta che il castello del conte sia posseduto da forze oscure.
Particolarmente temuta e mitizzata è la presenza di Nosferatu, vampiro sanguinario che si nutre del sangue delle sue vittime e dorme in bare riempite di terra contaminata dalla peste nera.
Finalmente Hutter raggiunge il suo cliente, che si rivela subito cortese ma alquanto sinistro.
Bastano pochi giorni perché egli si renda conto che il conte incarna tutte le caratteristiche del famigerato Nosferatu, di cui egli stesso è vittima immemore durante le notti al castello.
Hutter finisce rinchiuso nella sua stanza, da cui può scorgere il conte far partire un carico di bare piene di terra, presumibilmente diretto a Wisborg.
Il conte stesso si mette in viaggio all'interno di una delle bare.
Una volta evaso dal castello, Hutter fa rientro alla sua città natale per riabbracciare la moglie, che nel frattempo era stata turbata da continui presagi notturni.
La maledizione di Nosferatu, però, comincia a rendere sempre più cagionevole la salute del protagonista.
Nel frattempo il suo titolare Knock aveva cominciato a dare segni di pazzia, finendo rinchiuso in cella. Egli era vittima della volontà del conte Orlok fin dall'inizio.
Il conte, dopo un lungo viaggio via mare durante il quale stermina l'intero equipaggio, prende possesso della sua nuova casa, situata di fronte a quella di Hutter, da cui nottetempo scruta la sua nuova vittima: Ellen.
Assieme al conte arriva a Wisborg anche l'epidemia di peste, che miete vittime per le quali la popolazione cerca in Knock (nel frattempo evaso) il capro espiatorio, accusandolo di essere un untore.
Ellen apprende che l'unica strada per sconfiggere il conte e la sua epidemia è quella di esporlo alla luce del sole, e per raggiungere questo obiettivo si sacrificherà dissetandolo del suo sangue fino ad alba inoltrata. Assieme al conte Orlok svaniranno anche la terribile epidemia e la maledizione che aveva colpito Hutter.