Castelvania (1986)


Castlevania is a typical platform game of the 8-bit era: the game is composed of six levels, which are played in a strictly linear progression. The player controls Simon Belmont throughout the game. The A button allows Simon Belmont to jump just like other platformer games, such as Super Mario Bros., but he can only jump straight up, left, or right; there is no midair control. There are many stairs located throughout the levels, but rather than simply pressing left or right to step up them, the player must hold up on the directional pad. His primary mode of attack is via his whip by pressing the B button, which can be upgraded three times by obtaining special items throughout the course of the game which change it into a chain whip and extend its length. In addition, various "sub-weapons" can be obtained which provide different means of attack. By breaking candelabra and certain other items located throughout the castle, Simon collects "'hearts," which are then used as ammunition for the sub-weapon that he possesses. Simon can only carry one sub-weapon at a time. The player can use a sub-weapon by simultaneously pressing "up" and B on the controller. Whenever Simon receives damage, he is knocked back a distance, increasing the challenge as this may lead to him falling down into a pit below. He is not knocked back when on stairs.
Each of Castlevania's six levels conclude with a boss fight: these bosses are generally taken from horror literature or legend, and include a giant bat, Medusa, a pair of mummies, Frankenstein's Monster and Igor, the Grim Reaper, and finally Dracula (who transforms into a second and more powerful monster form after his first form is defeated).


Es el año 1691. La tierra de Transilvania ha permanecido en paz por más de 100 años gracias a los esfuerzos de Christopher Belmont. Los campesinos y aldeanos han empezado a purgar sus mentes de los recuerdos de aquellos tiempos cuando sus tierras fueron dominadas por caos y sombras, tiempos en que los no muertos caminaban sobre la tierra. Sin embargo, otros recordaron que cada 100 años el Conde Drácula regresa a plagar la tierra, trayendo consigo las fuerzas del infierno. Así, una noche, el Príncipe de la Oscuridad se levantó y retornó a Castlevania, su hogar ancestral, llamando a sus demonios para purgar el mundo de los humanos.
La gente clamó por un héroe, alguien que los defendiera de los malignos deseos del conde. Afortunadamente, no tuvieron que buscar muy lejos. Dentro de la tierra de Transilvania, el linaje Belmont seguía con vida, cuando Simon Belmont, toma el látigo legendario conocido como "Vampire Killer" y comienza su viaje hacia el campo donde está ubicado el castillo del Conde.


En 1691, le comte Dracula ressuscite dans son château en Transylvanie. Il commence à faire régner la peur et la désolation dans les villages voisins.
Lorsque le célèbre chasseur de vampires Simon Belmont apprend cela, il se rend au château de Dracula armé du fouet Vampire Killer afin de terrasser le démon.
Il lui faudra traverser tout le lieu, du portail à la chapelle en passant par les jardins et la bibliothèque infestés de pièges et de monstres pour mener sa quête à bien...


Scopo del gioco, che possiede una struttura lineare, è quello di guidare Simon attraverso 6 livelli, ciascuno protetto da un guardiano finale, e infine sconfiggere il Signore dei non-morti, Dracula. In questo capitolo vengono delineate alcune strutture di gioco che diverranno col tempo icone distintive della serie, come le sub-weapon (armi secondarie) che nella fattispecie, accompagneranno l'intero ciclo di Castlevania fino ad oggi.

Armi secondarie

Le armi secondarie (pugnale, ascia, orologio fermatempo, acqua santa, croce) sono power-up utili ad affrontare i vari mostri, in particolare i boss: si tratta per la maggior parte di armi da lancio, ad eccezione dell'orologio che è in grado di immobilizzare per un breve periodo i nemici. Le armi secondarie non sono infinite, bensì consumano una variabile quantità di energia rappresentata da altri power-up a forma di cuore; questi si trovano in particolare colpendo con la frusta candele e oggetti simili.