Dark Secret (2005)


Rafael de la Cruz lleva siglos cazando vampiros junto a sus hermanos. En ese largo y agotador camino, su capacidad emocional se ha debilitado, hasta no ser más que un débil recuerdo, aunque una débil llama sigue encendida en su interior, evitando que se convierte él mismo en un ser tan cruel e insensible como esos vampiros que él mismo persigue. Ahora Rafael tiene que viajar a los Estados Unidos para recuperar a Ginny y Paul, dos niños que pertenecen a una familia que siempre ha sido leal a los carpatianos y que ahora están al cuidado de Colby Jansen, una mujer que no se parece a ninguna de las que Rafael ha conocido en su larga existencia. Decidida a proteger a los niños hasta la muerte, Colby se enfrenta a los hermanos De la Cruz con todas sus fuerzas. Pero cuando Rafael pose sus ojos sobre ella, después de años y años de soledad, sentirá un deseo abrumador de poseerla y convertirla en su compañera para toda su vida..


Rafael De La Cruz has spent centuries hunting vampires with his brothers, and with each passing year his capacity to feel emotions has grown weaker and weaker until finally there's barely been a memory left-until only sheer willpower keeps him from turning into the very abomination he hunts. But it'll take more than will to keep him away from the woman who is meant to be his and his alone…
For five years, rancher Colby Jansen has been the sole protector of her younger half-siblings, and with fierce determination and work she has kept her family together and the ranch operational. Now, the De La Cruz brothers are threatening that stability. They claim that her siblings belong with their father's family, not with her. Colby vows to fight them-especially the cold and arrogant Rafael De La Cruz. But Rafael is after more than her family-he wants Colby and will not let anything stand between them. After ages of loneliness, the raw desire to possess her overwhelms his very soul, driving him to claim her as his lifemate….