Blood bar (2009)


An amazing novel written by a quite unknown author from Belgium, recently published in Paris. You would bet it is an American novel. A chasing-hunting story within a world that looks like ours although it is tainted with a futuristic touch. There is a high-pitched psychological density in the different characters, and the plot is brilliant at the level of structure and progression. Obviously, you never know what is going to happen, and the author is very imaginative to redraw the world around those blood bars. The cover (especially the one with the drinking woman, since there are different covers available in the stores), could make you think of "just another vampire story", but it is not a vampire story at all. I was impressed by Daph Nobody's (funny nickname, by the way !) technique and ability to treat unreal features in an ultra realistic way. An interesting description of our society nowadays, and a vitriolic criticism of Man's hunger for constant novelty. Beyond that, it is a non-put-downable thriller, that grabs you to the throat and the heart from page 1 to page 520. The language is sophisticated, so no easy to read for someone not used to read novels written in French. Words are well chosen, the author has a great range of vocabulary and a genuine gift for descriptions, as well as a profound sense of empathy. I recommend this book to all kinds of readers. Not for too young people, though, because it is a very dark and violent vision of our 21st century. Keep this on your bedside table for the nights to come...


Tout commence par un carambolage. Bob Wayne, l’homme en noir,  est dépêché sur place. Sa mission ? Recueillir le sang des victimes pour le compte d’une compagnie de bars à sang, ces fameux Blood Bars qu’on a vus éclore depuis le terrible Été de la grande soif et  l’ère du « pétrole rouge ». Wayne constate que seule une fillette a survécu au crash. Pourtant, il la laisse filer… sans doute parce qu’il sait qu’il la retrouvera. De même qu’il sent qu’elle est exceptionnelle. La fillette tombe sur Jooze, un vieil homme lancé sur les traces de quatre mystérieux agresseurs responsables de la mort de sa femme. Il cherchait un moyen de se venger ; il vient de le rencontrer.