Fanged Love (2011)
Before Rayea started sharing her story with us, my idea for the Vampire from Hell series began as this short story about Grace, a naive human led astray by her sinister boyfriend, Nathan into a world of bloodletting and casual sex. Then one night it all changes. The origins of the Vampire from Hell series began with them. (4,205 words)
Grace's story continues in Fanged Universe (Stories #1) (Release Date Feb 2012). In the short story called Grace's Resale Value, Grace discovers Nathan is about to sell her to the top buyer and devises a plan for escape.
The Vampire from Hell series includes:
"The Vampire from Hell: The Beginning (Part 1)"
"A Vampire among Angels (The Vampire from Hell: Part 2)"
"A Vampire on Vacation (The Vampire from Hell: Part 3)" - Summer 2012