A short time after the first film, Mavis (Selena Gomez) and her boyfriend Johnny (Andy Samberg) weds, with the approval her father Dracula (Adam Sandler). Seven years later, their son Dennis (Asher Blinkoff), befriends Wayne's werewolf pup daughter Winnie (Sadie Sandler). Nearing his fifth birthday, Dennis has yet to grow his fangs, which worries Drac that his grandson might not gain vampire powers. Noticing the dangers of Transylvania, Mavis starts to consider raising Dennis where Johnny grew up much to the dismay of Drac.
By Drac's suggestion, Mavis and Johnny travel to California to visit the in-laws, Mike (Nick Offerman) and Linda (Megan Mullally), leaving Drac to babysit Dennis. Drac enlists his friends Frank (Kevin James), Wayne the Werewolf (Steve Buscemi), Griffin the Invisible Man (David Spade), Murray the Mummy (Keegan-Michael Key), and Blobby the Blob (Jonny Solomon) to help train Dennis to become a monster, to no avail. Drac takes Dennis to a summer camp where he learned to hone his vampire abilities, to no avail either. Desperate, Drac hurls Dennis from a tall, unstable tower to pressure his transformation into a bat, but rescues him at the last second. The stunt is filmed by the campers and uploaded to the internet which eventually reaches Mavis and Johnny who hurry back to Transylvania. Mavis angrily scolds her father for endangering Dennis and his inability to accept that he is human, promising to move out of the hotel after Dennis’ fifth birthday.
Mavis invites Vlad (Mel Brooks), her grandfather and Drac’s father, to Dennis’ birthday party. Dismayed, Drac has the partygoers disguised as monsters. Vlad arrives with his monstrous bat-like servant Bela (Rob Riggle) and meets his great-grandson. He believes that fear will cause Dennis’ fangs to sprout and manipulates a stage performer into scaring Dennis, but Drac shields his grandson in the last moment and exposes Vlad, who is outraged that Drac has accepted humans as guests in his hotel.
Mavis is angered by her grandfather’s treachery and while the family quarrels, an upset Dennis flees the hotel and enters the forest with Winnie in tow, but they are attacked by Bela and the rest of Vlad's minions. When Bela injures Winnie, Dennis instantly grows his fangs and his vampire abilities manifest. Drac, Mavis, and Dennis team up to defeat the bat-like minions. Bela attempts to kill Johnny in revenge, but Vlad appears with a change of heart, shrinks his former servant to a harmless size and drives him away.

El Hotel Transylvania ha pasado por varios cambios desde que Johnny se topó con el, el hotel está ahora abierto a los huéspedes humanos, Mavis y Johnny se han casado y fruto de eso es el nieto de dracula pero Mavis le quiere dar una vida normal a su hijo pensando que no es vampiro. Cuando el abuelo dracula se da cuente de que su nieto todavia no tiene colmillos hace todo lo posible por convertilo en vampiro mientras Mavis y Jonny estan de visita con sus suegros, pero al darse cuenta de lo que esta haciendo su padre dracula decide regresar e irse del hotel. En el cumpleaños numero 5 aparece el padre de dracula se da cuenta que no tiene colmillos pero piensa que es un retraso dental. Pero uno de los secuases del padre de dracula se da finalmente cuenta que el pequeño no tiene colmillos porque es mitad humano, dio paso a una pequeña lucha involucrando a el peque y su mejor amiga, cuando lastiman a su mejor amiga el se enfurese y es donde finalmente salen sus colmillos y Mavis y Jonny deciden quedarse.
Dracula est dorénavant grand-père et est bien décidé à initier son petit garçon à la crinière rousse aux rudiments du monde de l'épouvante. Bien sûr, rien ne va se passer comme prévu pour notre drôlissime vampire et sa bande de monstres - Frankenstein, la Momie, l'Homme invisible, le Loup-garou et le Blob...
Quando il padre di Dracula, l'anziano e secolare vampiro Vlad, decide di tornare in città per fare visita al figlio, tutta la famiglia si riunisce all'Hotel Transylvania. Il nuovo arrivato riuscirà però in poco tempo a mettere sottosopra la vita di tutti. Nel frattempo Mavis, la figlia di Dracula, e il suo fidanzato Jonathan affidano al padre della vampira il compito di occuparsi del loro figlio, Dennis.