Dracula (1979)


Set in 1913 Whitby, England, Count Dracula (Frank Langella) arrives from Transylvania via the ship Demeter one stormy night. A sickly Mina Van Helsing (Jan Francis), who is visiting her friend Lucy Seward (Kate Nelligan), discovers Dracula's body after his ship has run aground. After praising her as his "Savior," the Count visits Mina and her friends at the household of Lucy's father, Dr. Jack Seward (Donald Pleasence), whose clifftop mansion also serves as the local asylum. At dinner, he proves to be a charming guest and leaves a strong impression on the hosts, Lucy especially. Less charmed by this handsome Romanian count is Jonathan Harker (Trevor Eve), Lucy's fiancé.
Later that night, while Lucy and Jonathan are having a secret rendezvous, Dracula reveals his true nature as he descends upon Mina to drink her blood. The following morning, Lucy finds Mina awake in bed struggling for breath. Powerless, she watches her friend die, only to find wounds on her throat. Lucy blames herself for Mina's death, as she had left her alone.
At a loss for the cause of death, Dr. Seward calls for Mina's father, Professor Abraham Van Helsing (Laurence Olivier). Van Helsing suspects what might have killed his daughter: a vampire. Moreover, he begins to worry about what fate his seemingly dead daughter may now have since her encounter with the creature. Seward and Van Helsing investigate their suspicions and discover a makeshift tunnel within Mina's coffin (clawed by hand) which leads to the local mines. It is there that they encounter the ghastly form of an undead Mina, and it is up to a distraught Van Helsing to destroy what remains of his own daughter.
Lucy meanwhile has been summoned to Carfax Abbey, Dracula's new home, and soon she reveals herself to be in love with this foreign prince and openly offers herself to him as his bride. After a surreal "Wedding Night" sequence (employing lasers and shot by famed James Bond title sequence designer, Maurice Binder), Lucy, like Mina before her, is now infected by Dracula's blood. However, the two doctors manage to give Lucy a blood transfusion to help prevent her vampirism, but nothing can stop the inevitable now.
Now aided by Jonathan, the elderly doctors realize that the only way to defeat Dracula (and save Lucy) is by destroying him. They manage to locate his coffin within the grounds of Carfax Abbey, but the vampire is waiting for them (despite it being daylight Dracula is still a very powerful adversary to his enemies). Dracula escapes their feeble attempt to kill him and bursts into the asylum to free the captive Lucy. While there he murders his one-time slave, Milo Renfield (Tony Haygarth) for warning the others about him. Dracula now intends for him and Lucy to return to Transylvania together.
In a race against time, Harker and Van Helsing just manage to get on board a ship carrying the vampire cargo bound for Romania. Below decks, Harker and Van Helsing find the Count's coffin; upon opening it they see Lucy sleeping beside her new "husband", Dracula. Again they try to destroy him, but the Count awakens and once more fights with his assassins. In the struggle, Van Helsing is fatally wounded by Dracula as he is impaled by the stake intended for the vampire. As the enraged Count now turns his attention to Harker, the dying doctor uses his remaining strength to throw a hook (attached to a rope, from the ship's rigging), into Dracula's back. Harker seizes his only chance and hoists the Count's body up through the cargo hold and into the sunlight above. Dracula then suffers a slow and painful death as the solar rays burn his body to ashes.
Lucy, now apparently herself once more, reaches out to Harker tenderly, but Harker, still feeling betrayed, turns away coldly as he stares at the dead Van Helsing. At this moment, she looks up to see Dracula's cape flying away in the wind, and smiles enigmatically.


À bord d'un navire naufragé, le seul survivant est le comte Dracula, venu de Transylvanie avec pour seuls bagages des caisses emplies de sa terre natale. À Carfax Abbey où il réside, il fait la connaissance du directeur de l'asile le Dr Seward et de sa fille Lucy.


Inghilterra, 1913. Il misterioso conte Dracula, proveniente dai paesi dell'est europeo acquista una tenuta nello Yorkshire, vicino alla casa del dottor Seward. Il conte stupisce tutta l'alta società per la sua incredibile conoscenza delle lingue, delle scienze e della letteratura, inoltre tutte le donne rimangono estremamente colpite dal suo fascino. Il conte inizia a corteggiarle al solo scopo di potersi nutrire del loro sangue ma il dottor Seward se ne rende conto e chiama il professor Abraham Van Helsing per aiutarlo.


Тэглайн: «Во все времена он наполнял сердца мужчин ужасом, а сердца женщин — желанием».
Граф Дракула прибывает из Трансильвании в Англию на судне «Деметер». Мина Ван Хельсинг обнаруживает Дракулу лежащим на берегу, после того, как его судно разбилось о скалы. Доктор Джек Сьюард, который руководит находящейся неподалеку лечебницей для душевнобольных, приглашает графа в гости в свой дом, где живут Мина и дочь доктора Люси, подруга Мины. Очаровательный гость производит незабываемое впечатление на хозяев, за исключением Джонатана Харкера, жениха Люси.
Ночью Дракула нападает на Мину и выпивает её кровь. На следующий день Мина умирает, а Люси обнаруживает раны на её шее.
Доктор Сьюард не может найти причин смерти Мины и вызывает её отца, профессора Ван Хельсинга, который начинает подозревать, что дочь убил вампир. Сьюард и Ван Хельсинг обследуют гроб Мины и обнаруживают туннель, следуя по нему, они сталкиваются с не-мёртвой Миной и убивают её.
Люси приезжает в новый дом Дракулы, аббатство Карфакс, и сама предлагает графу стать его невестой. Сьюард и Ван Хельсинг пытаются предотвратить превращение Люси, делают ей переливание крови. Вместе с Джонатаном они пытаются найти гроб Дракулы, чтобы уничтожить его и спасти тем самым Люси, но Дракуле удаётся ускользнуть от них и освободить возлюбленную.
Харкер и Ван Хельсинг садятся на судно, которое везет Дракулу и Люси в Румынию. Им удается обнаружить гроб с вампирами, Дракула просыпается и в борьбе смертельно ранит Ван Хельсинга, хотя тот и успевает воткнуть в графа крюк, от которого тянется верёвка. Харкер, пользуясь верёвкой, вытаскивает Дракулу на дневной свет, который сжигает вампира.
Люси обращается за поддержкой к Джонатану, но тот отвергает её. Финал фильма оставляет возможность предположить, что Дракула не умер, а Люси ждёт от него ребёнка.