The first time I saw him, a heavy, gray fog clung to the cornfields, tails of mist slithering between the dying stalks. It was a dreary early morning right after Labor Day, and I was waiting for the school bus, just minding my own business, standing at the end of the dirt lane that connected my family’s farmhouse to the main road into town.
I was thinking about how many times I’d probably waited for that bus over the course of a dozen years, killing time like any mathlete would, by doing the calculations in my head, when I noticed him.
And suddenly that familiar stretch of blacktop seemed awfully desolate.
He was standing under a massive beech tree across the road from me, his arms crossed over his chest. The tree’s low, gnarled branches twisted down around him, nearly concealing him in limbs and leaves and shadows. But it was obvious that he was tall and wearing a long, dark coat, almost like a cloak.
Jessica piensa pasárselo «de muerte» el último curso de instituto, lo que no sabe es que un «no-muerto» ya ha planeado todo su futuro…
Un misterioso estudiante de intercambio llamado Lucius Vladescu irrumpe en la vida de Jessica asegurando que ella es una princesa vampira nacida en Rumanía y que él es su prometido para toda la eternidad. El chico es arrogante, impertinente, protector hasta la saciedad y, para colmo,… ¡muy guapo!
Jess tendrá que luchar para reconquistar a su incorregible príncipe, detener una inminente guerra entre vampiros y salvar el alma de Lucius de la condenación eterna. Con tantas responsabilidades sobre sus hombros, Jessica llegará a plantearse que la vida habría sido mucho más fácil si se hubiera enamorado de un buen chico… de un chico mortal.
Si combinamos los románticos vampiros de Stephenie Meyer con la princesa de incógnito de Meg Cabot el resultado es el desenfadado debut de Fantaskey. A quien le gusten los vampiros y el romance agradecerán esta historia inteligente y divertida sobre vampiros enamorados.